Wamp - PhpMyAdmin - Forbidden - You don't have permission to Access on this server!
What this Wamp - PhpMyAdmin - Forbidden error does:
This Wamp - PhpMyAdmin - Forbidden error can be seen when you try to open PhpMyadmin panel via wampserver but get the following Forbidden error.
It will say: You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server. It is also called Wamp - PhpMyAdmin - Forbidden in short.
Note: You can open phpmyadmin by left clicking on wampserver icon in task bar and phpmyadmin or type localhost/phpmyadmin directly in your browser.
" There is a similar error but it does not lets you open Wamp Server Admin panel at all. To know about that error and its Solutions. Please click here "
Now step by step solution.
- Go to Wamp Directory (Where you have installed the wampserver) and then go to alias/phpmyadmin.conf
- Edit the phpmyadmin.conf file. We use Notepad++ you can also use normal notepad by going to Open with.
- Now change the Deny from All and Allow from to => Allow from all. Save and close.
- Restart your wamp server services.
Open phpMyadmin Everything will be back to normal.
Please Note: There are two other services conf file in alias. In case those services sqlbuddy.conf or webgrind.conf give you any permission errors just do the same with them you did with phpMyadmin.conf everything will be working.